Monday, September 22, 2008

Leaf Lace Scarf

Another favorite FO. This was a great knit. As usual when I'm working on a large lace project, I lost interest towards the 2/3 point, thus what might have been a quick knit took me exactly a month to complete. Very much worth it though! My mom saw it as a wip and really loved it, so I'll be gifting this to her.

The pattern was lovely, simple and elegant. I hardly needed the chart at all, but kept it with me while I was knitting it, because frogging lace is not my favorite thing!
I used up almost the entire skein of yarn, and the scarf grew a lot once it got wet for blocking (I don't know how much because I didn't bother measuring!).
A note about the yarn, I used this as my traveling project for a while until I realized the wound yarn was beginning to felt. Luckily it wasn't completely felted though, it only got to about the "sticky" stage so I could still pull it apart gently.
I love the the colour I chose, all the Malabrigo colourways are so beautiful. This one is called "olive" and the colour changes are super subtle. Some of the Malabrigo colourways are made of two contrasting colours, others are just one colour, in several shades/graduations, and depending on which colour you choose for a project you'll get a completely different Malabrigo experience. Celeste at Nebula Designs recently finished a Clapotis in the China colourway, a two-coloured yarn which added a lot of interest to the Clapotis pattern. Malabrigo is definitely yarn perfection.
Project Specs:
Yarn: Malabrigo Yarn Lace (1 skein, Olive)
Needle: 3.25mm (size 3)

Next up, I'll finish my Vanalinn gloves, and then start on something from my queue...


Jennifer said...

Once again I'll say, great yarn choice for the pattern. It is a perfect autumn knit. Your mom will love it. It looks delicate yet it holds the pattern perfectly.

Celestial said...

Lovely! Your mom is going to glow when she wears this.

One thing that really helped with the laceweight on my Clapotis was to put the wound skein into one of those expandable holders. (woven plastic that collapses on it's self) I think some people call them yarn bras. I know you can pick them up at JoAnn's for cheap. And they really help when you get to the end of the skein.

Teresa said...

This is sooo beautiful. I'm glad you've posted about it, because I never would have found it otherwise.
I love the colour, and can't wait to see your progress on the gloves :)

Ellen said...

Thank you everyone!

Celeste, thanks for the tip, I'll have to pick a few of those up next time I'm at JoAnn's!